The Dogwood Media Solutions Podcast

#004 - 5 Types of Google Ad Campaigns

February 14, 2023 Dogwood Media Solutions, LLC Season 1 Episode 4
#004 - 5 Types of Google Ad Campaigns
The Dogwood Media Solutions Podcast
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The Dogwood Media Solutions Podcast
#004 - 5 Types of Google Ad Campaigns
Feb 14, 2023 Season 1 Episode 4
Dogwood Media Solutions, LLC

Lauren is your host for today's podcast where she and our SEO specialist Beth Gillem discuss the 5 main types of Google Ad Campaigns. They'll talk about what the campaign types are, the cost-effectiveness of each, and how to know which one to use for your business.


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Show Notes Transcript

Lauren is your host for today's podcast where she and our SEO specialist Beth Gillem discuss the 5 main types of Google Ad Campaigns. They'll talk about what the campaign types are, the cost-effectiveness of each, and how to know which one to use for your business.


Learn more about Dogwood at At our site, you can learn more about our staff, and the services we offer. Don't forget to check out our blog full of information while you are there. You'll also find links where you can follow us on social media and become an insider to really see what it's like at Dogwood.

Speaker 1 (00:00):

Hey there. Thanks for tuning in to the Dogwood Media Solutions podcast. I'm your host, Lauren Crumby, and today we're talking about the five most common types of Google Ads with my guest, Beth Gillum. Hi, and welcome to the Dogwood Media Solutions Podcast. I'm Lauren Cumbie, the account manager here, and one of the hosts of this podcast. Today is episode four, and I am joined once again by our SEO strategist, Beth Gillem. Welcome back. 

Speaker 2 (00:30):

Thank you. Excited to be here. 

Speaker 1 (00:32):

Yeah. So today, um, we are going to be talking about Google Ads. Um, last time that Beth was here, we talked about SEO and s e m, which goes into a little bit of Google Ads, and this time we're just gonna jump in a little bit deeper and talk more about the different options for that. Um, last time Beth was here, we talked a little bit about her, um, relationship with Dogwood and how she became a part of the team. So if you wanna learn more about her head back to that episode and give it a listen. All right. So today we are going to discuss the five main types of Google ads. There's tons more than just five, but these are the five main ones. Um, and we're gonna talk about what they are, what they do, and what kind is the best for what purposes. 

Speaker 1 (01:19):

Um, so at Dogwood, we have all different types of ads that we run, um, and we all have different specialties that we're good at. You know, Beth is our SEO specialist. Um, ADE is really good at pr. Uh, I do a lot of our Google ads, that kind of thing, but all of us really try hard to understand as much as we can about the industry that we're in and all the different parts of what we do. So today you kind of have the dynamic duo talking to you about Google Ads because Beth is our absolute best researcher and knows everything there is to know about anything you can learn on the internet, because you tell her you need her to know about something and she just magically learns about it and it's incredible. Um, and then I, on the other hand, just run things during the day, so like, I understand it because I, I do it <laugh>, 

Speaker 2 (02:06):

You have the action part of it. The and, and I'm the let's learn and, and figure 

Speaker 1 (02:11):

It out. Yeah. I'm pretty sure that when you wrote this blog, you messaged me and said, I want to learn about this. Can I write a blog about it? And I was like, yeah, go for it. 

Speaker 2 (02:19):

I have found that the best way for me to learn something is to teach it to others. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I mean, this is one of the reasons I've taught Sunday school for Right. 25 years, you know, uh, it learn. I learned so much more, maybe not 25 years. Yeah. Maybe 25 years <laugh>. Oh, goodness. Anyway, uh, but yeah, so I wanted to learn more about Google ad campaigns mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I thought, plus we had talked about S SEO versus S E m Right. Like we talked about in our last podcast together. And so this just seemed like another step of let's break it down those ads even more. 

Speaker 1 (02:51):

Yeah. Well it is a great blog and really does explain a lot of the different types of ads. Um, so first of all, what are are those five main type of ads that people have probably come in contact with? 

Speaker 2 (03:03):

Okay. So if you've ever done a Google search, you know what Google search ads are that show up at the top of the page. Okay. That's one of the ad campaigns. Then you also have what we call display ads, um, also called banner ads. We'll talk more about those in a minute. Another main player are video Google ad campaigns. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, YouTube stuff, we'll talk about that too. And shopping campaigns used more and more. Um, as in Google, you actually click the shopping link. And then finally, app campaigns, which are only applicable, applicable. Hear that. I didn't even mean it to make that pun. Yeah. <laugh>, they're all app campaigns. If your business has an app and you want to promote it, we'll talk more about that. 

Speaker 1 (03:48):

Right. So at Dogwood we run, um, like I said, a bunch of different types of ads just depending on who the client is and what they need and that kind of thing. We help them come up with the strategy and figure out what works best for them and what is going to help them achieve the goals that they are trying to achieve. But by far the most popular are search ads. So tell us a little bit about what a search ad is, um, and just why it would be beneficial for people. 

Speaker 2 (04:13):

Okay. So, um, all of the search ads in all of these really fall under their search engine marketing that we talked about in our last one. Right. But search ads specifically show up, um, on Google search. Okay. When you put in any search query, um, if your question connects to a keyword that a business has, uh, paid to advertise through this app camp through this campaign mm-hmm. <affirmative>, then um, it will show up one of the top four, um, at the top of the page. Now these are not organic listings mm-hmm. <affirmative> that don't, these have a little ad, little word, little, uh, bolded black ad next to them. Um, and a lot of these are, are determined of course, by your targeting that you set up. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you're gonna pick out who do you show this ad to? Um, when I wrote this blog, I did the example of I googled hiking trails in Alabama. 

Speaker 2 (05:09):

Now, um, uh, if you, if you're not familiar, I live now in northwest Alabama. Um, and since we moved and left you guys here at Dogwood, um, so when I googled hiking trails in Alabama, my location played a factor mm-hmm. <affirmative> and, um, some cookies from previous searches. Um, so that it showed me like the land trust of North Alabama. Had I done that in Montgomery, I would've had different ads shown up. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, if I'd done it down, uh, in mobile or Gulf Shores, of course different ads would have shown up there too. So you can really refine these search hats, um, by targeting certain areas, certain people groups mm-hmm. <affirmative> certain demographics and, and say, who needs to see these? Why would you do that? Because that's your target customer. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Okay. You wanna know who that is, don't just show it to anybody and everybody. You want people who are most likely to act and to purchase or respond or subscribe or whatever your, your, your goal 

Speaker 1 (06:05):

Is for that. Yeah. It's, it's incredible to me when we talk to clients and uh, I'll ask, you know, who's your target demographic? And so many people haven't really thought through that question. I mean, you would, I mean, obviously they have some sort of idea as far as, you know, if I'm, if I'm a clothing boutique, like potentially probably women mm-hmm. <affirmative>, maybe you have like a certain age range. But after that, most people haven't really thought a whole lot about who their target audience is. So that's definitely an important part of any sort of ad that you're running. 

Speaker 2 (06:37):

Sounds like a future podcast for us, Lauren, for sure. 

Speaker 1 (06:39):

Yeah, definitely. 

Speaker 2 (06:40):

How to figure out your target audience. 

Speaker 1 (06:41):

Yes. It definitely needs to be one. And, but that is one of the reasons why I love Google Ads as opposed to other ad platforms. Not that the others don't have value, cuz they do, but with Google ads there's so much more freedom to target people specifically based on just different, different items that are useful. I mean, you can even target people based on their, their Gmail addresses if you have their, their actual emails. Um, whereas with other platforms that you might run ads on, they've very much narrowed the ways that you can target people. So Google's just so good for that. 

Speaker 2 (07:20):

Now, uh, one thing I wanted to point out with these two is that the price on running Google search ads is, it varies a lot. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Okay. When you choose to run these ads, we are gonna choose certain keywords. Right? Right. So when someone puts that in, um, our ad that is linked to that word that we kind of purchased mm-hmm. <affirmative> is so of times how we say it, we bought that keyword is the way some people will say it. But, um, then our ad will show up so that the price of that keyword will vary. Depends on your industry competition for that. Um, even certain times of year mm-hmm. <affirmative> certain keywords will go up in price or less. Now, um, some of those, uh, specifically if, if you're in law or insurance or mortgages, those keywords tend to be much pricier Right. Than otherwise lots 

Speaker 1 (08:14):

Of competition. 

Speaker 2 (08:15):

But you have Yes. And lots of competition, but you also have to think of your return on investment because if someone clicks that ad that you may be paying because, because let's go, before I get too far into that, Lauren, we gotta get about paper per click, right? Cause I wanna make sure they understand this because you're only gonna pay when someone clicks the ad mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Correct. Right. This is why they call it PPC or pay per click. So, uh, even though you may be paying $50 per click for those higher, more expensive keywords, your return on investment is gonna be a lot more than that. 

Speaker 1 (08:49):

Right. Exactly. And Brian and I talked about that a little bit in our first podcast. I think that it was the very first episode. Um, we kind of joked about how we've had clients in the past who will search themselves a lot and they're like, why am I not showing up where I wanna show up? And it's like, well, because you keep telling Google that this ad's not relevant because you're not clicking on it. Oh, you're searching and then not clicking. So you're telling Google that this isn't a good ad or vice versa, you are clicking on it and you're spending your own money. Stop spending your own money <laugh>. Yeah. So yeah, you definitely, you only pay for what people click on. Um, which is honestly a great way to do it because obviously if you're not getting those clicks and you're not getting people to go to your website or whatever landing page you've set up, then you know, it's kind of all for not, so you're really only paying for eyes on whatever page you set up for them 

Speaker 2 (09:39):

To go to. And even within that, um, let's say I create a wildly popular ad mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I get lots and lots of clicks. I'm still only paying my, I've capped that off with Google. Right. I've said I'm, I'm not gonna get an enormous bill that was not in my budget at the end of the month. Right. 

Speaker 1 (09:55):

Right. Like yeah, I had a sweet client tell me when we first set up her ads, she was like, just please make sure that you don't go over my budget. And I was like, I promise you that will not happen. <laugh>. 

Speaker 2 (10:06):

Right. Google, Google makes you do a, a even a daily ad spend capped mm-hmm. <affirmative> where you can only, you'll only pay for so many clicks per day, but then also in the month. Right. Okay, perfect. Yep. So the average cost, and I say average because we talked about those really expensive p keywords and most are not within that price range, but the day the average cost for a Google search ad, um, is about $2 and 32 cents per click. But that's really not accurate cuz I think a lot of 'em, depending on your industry may be a maybe a lot less. 

Speaker 1 (10:35):

Yeah. It, it really does depend. I mean, but even with that being, you know, the average taking into account that some keywords are up to $10, depending on what kind of keyword it is. I mean even with that being the average that, I mean, that's not a bad, a bad price. 

Speaker 2 (10:52):

Okay. So the next kind I wanna talk about, um, are display ads. We also call these banner ads. Now these are ads, unlike search Okay. Search ads. Just show up on your search engine results page, which we call search These run all across Google's network. Okay. That includes certain websites that have partnered with Google, uh, Gmail. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I've seen more of those in my ads in my Gmail recently or maybe I never noticed them too much, but I've, or maybe, I don't know, I've seen them more lately. Uh, different articles that you click on and even videos. Okay. So these display ads, you need at least two images. Okay. Display shows that you think photographs mm-hmm. <affirmative>, right? You think images, so you need some good eyecatching Yeah. Photos or images or graphics, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> to do these, that would be the best, best way. So, so they require a minimum of two, one landscape, one square, but you can add more than that right. To really make it your own. Um, so when you sign up for, for, for these, um, they're not linked to specific search results or keywords. Okay. Um, so this means that the audience that sees Sure. ADS is not necessarily looking for you. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Okay. So why in the world would you wanna do that? That sounds crazy. A little bit like 

Speaker 1 (12:06):

Right. What's the 

Speaker 2 (12:07):

Goal? Okay. But these are great if you are trying to increase your brand awareness Yes. Making people aware of who you are as a business, what you're doing, maybe your new business, trying to get the word out there. Um, so, uh, and, and one thing that I I I, I've seen these, obviously we've all seen these mm-hmm. <affirmative>, whether you realize it or not, and those, even a fleeting vision of it as you're scrolling is building that brand awareness. Oh yeah. Especially with your consistent branding mm-hmm. <affirmative> on it mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, so, um, these can be, um, you, you still can target these some Yeah. But they're not necessarily have interacted with you. Now that the second way that these display ads will, uh, at work is with something called retargeting campaigns. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I really appreciate retargeting campaigns myself because uh, am a busy mom. Right. 

Speaker 2 (13:01):

And I'll often start something or start researching or start shopping or looking for something and then get called away or distracted and I'm sure we all are, but with kids they really do that a lot. And so retargeting ad um, when you visit a website and you don't take any action, you don't make a purchase or subscribe or, uh, sign up for any of the, you know, the stuff they do, uh, you just leave mm-hmm. <affirmative>, those little cookies connect, right? Yeah. And then these display ads will, next time you're, you click on an article or when something in the Google network, it can show you that again mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I see that and I go, oh yeah, I forgot I was researching that, or I wanted to buy that, or I wanted to, to finish that or sign up for that newsletter. And so these retargeting ads, um, can really help just stay in front of your potential customers. Oh yeah, 

Speaker 1 (13:51):

For sure. And one thing about display ads, I think people sometimes think that, uh, it's a one for one. Like somebody sees your display ad and they click on it and they buy like one view, one conversion. And one thing that I have to remind people is that it takes people somewhere between five and 10 times of seeing your brand or your product or whatever it might be, before they will actually take an action on that. Whether it's subscribing for something, purchasing something, joining a mailing list, whatever it is, it usually takes several times of looking for something. So one of the things that I point out to our folks when I send out their reports every month is what their ratio of the people they reached versus the impressions that they had. Because impressions is the number of times that anybody saw your ad, whereas reach is the number of people that you had. 

Speaker 1 (14:45):

So if your impressions okay as twice as much as your reach, then those people saw that ad on average two times. So that's two times closer to them actually doing something with it. Um, obviously we don't necessarily know that, you know, Beth saw this ad four times, but on average it gives you the idea that okay, people are seeing this multiple times, which gives them more opportunity to see it, think about it, and to act. Um, funny anecdote, there is a pencil pouch <laugh> that I have seen probably 20 times at this point. Like, Google really wants me to buy this pencil pouch <laugh>. And like, fair enough, cuz like I really want the pencil pouch, I've put it in my cart like four times and not purchased it <laugh>. And I don't really know why other than it feels silly to buy a pencil pouch when I'm like a grown woman that doesn't go to school <laugh>. Um, but one day I'm gonna buy this pencil pouch and this company is determined. They keep showing 

Speaker 2 (15:40):

Me they have a wonderful display retargeting ad campaign going for you and that pencil 

Speaker 1 (15:44):

Pouch and one day I'm going to buy that pencil pouch, but 

Speaker 2 (15:47):

There you go. Well then they're, they're gonna succeed, you know, there it'll be a win. Okay. So average cost, um, on display ads usually can be what, what'd we say about a dollar is what the numbers were? Yeah. Uh, under a dollar, under a dollar each even better. Yes. So, and, and of course there's different factors in that, but that's what average cost for a display or banner ad. Okay. So the next one are video Google ad campaigns. Okay. These show up on YouTube, surprise, surprise. Right. Okay. But also other networks which I was really interested to learn about this feature, um, cuz I didn't realize that. Okay. But the goal of these, uh, video ad campaigns usually is to increase that brand awareness mm-hmm. <affirmative> that we talked about, um, to expand your reach, which Lauren very clarified on how, you know, the people that, not just the, the number of eyes that see it, but the people who saw it more than once. 

Speaker 2 (16:37):

Right? Like, yes, your reach on that, um, uh, conversions, people taking action and um, and retargeting in a sense here mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So, um, when you want to do a video Google ad, of course you have to have video content, right? Okay. So, um, you first uploaded to YouTube, um, there's some little nuances with this that, um, might help it be a little better campaign, something to think about. But, um, a as I mentioned about like before video, ad campaigns they show on YouTube, but also other networks. Okay? These are networks and websites that are partners with Google mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and you may just want your ad to show up on YouTube. So in which case you just uncheck it, right? You just say, Nope, only want YouTube. Okay. Um, uh, why would you do this? Because you may really wanna, it may skew your data a little bit if you're, if it's, you know, when you see it and it's, it is showing you YouTube, but also all these other networks, right? 

Speaker 2 (17:29):

So if you can't really get a clear picture of how your YouTube audience is responding to that ad mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So, um, they also, you know, we often put uh, clickable call to action buttons mm-hmm. <affirmative> within these, Hey, sign up here or learn more. Right? And, and for people to click. Now a lot of people watch YouTube on their TVs, right? Right. So you can't click it, you know, most TVs don't allow you to click it then need to fancy your mind doesn't at home and it's pretty neat. But so, so again, that would skew some results. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So again, just you uncheck the TV screens option and then it'll just show on mobile devices or you laptops or you know, anything that you can click. 

Speaker 1 (18:05):

Right. It's amazing how detailed you can be about where you want your ads to show. Cuz I mean, not only can you you specifically say like, I only want it to show on mobile devices versus TVs, but you can also say, I only want to show this to people who own Samsung phones or Wow. Like you can say, I only want Apple people to have this. I mean, because think about like, if you have an app that is only available for, that's what was thinking we're gonna for iPhone users. Yeah. Um, there's, I mean, so many different ways that you can say, I only want this group of people to see this ad. It's amazing. Wow. 

Speaker 2 (18:39):

Okay. Last tip on those. Y'all. Your, your video has gotta be good. <laugh>. Okay. It's gotta be good. And I think sometimes, especially when it's your own business, you can watch this video that you created or had somebody create and go, oh, this is wonderful because you know your business right? And you know what the intent of it was mm-hmm. <affirmative>, whereas someone who has no idea who you are may watch the video and go, I don't know what they're talking about. Yeah. So, uh, Google even suggests doing what they call a video ad experiment, right? Where you have different versions of your video ad that you wanna share and do really small scale campaigns and see which one do does the audience respond best to before you pour a lot of funds into a for sure bigger 

Speaker 1 (19:25):

Campaign. And on that note, like show somebody outside of your organization your video. 

Speaker 2 (19:32):


Speaker 1 (19:33):

Because I <laugh> I remember a time I'll make fun of us since this is the Dogwood podcast and I can make fun of us. Um, several years ago we made a series of videos that was basically explaining the different, like branches of our business. Um, and we thought this was just gonna be the best thing in the world. Like they were gonna be like so professionally done and well lit and all this stuff. And like we look at them now <laugh> and they are so cringey, like, I cannot believe that we ever posted those anywhere on the internet. And they're still there. You can go find 'em. I dare you go back. Oh goodness. Go back to Facebook and go scroll through. You'll find 'em. But you can tell because we all just look lifeless in our eyes. Like you can tell that we've been sitting there for like 20 minutes trying to record this thing and it's no, no hate towards our, our video guy at the time. We love you Nick. It was not his fault <laugh>. It was completely us. We were, we were not good, uh, actors for him. Um, but yeah, so have somebody else look at your videos cuz we were very proud of them and Oh yeah. They were not great 

Speaker 2 (20:38):

<laugh>. Oh yeah. Sometimes we just need to take a step 

Speaker 1 (20:41):

Back. They looked great. Yeah. We, we did not 

Speaker 2 (20:44):

<laugh>. Okay. Um, the last, uh, almost next, next to last are shopping campaigns. Okay. So obviously, uh, shopping, if you have an e-commerce store, um, shopping campaigns are a great way to sell Okay. Uh, through Google ads. So you could also, in addition to, so you put your items up and, and when somebody hits the shopping tab, they, you know, will show up there. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you can promote those on there. No, but you can also take your whole storefront inventory and focus that to just your local audience. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like the people that could walk into your store too. Right. So that's a, that's a big plus for these. Now you gotta have good pictures mm-hmm. <affirmative> because of course we're so visually driven, but also you have to have a really good, well-written product description. Okay. Uh, part of this too is the description with keywords cuz people are putting in keywords. 

Speaker 2 (21:36):

Um, and so those are are utilized in descriptions too, I imagine alt text. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> would play a big role in these description of your photo. Right. So that, uh, because, because Google surprised, surprised they can't read what a photo is. <laugh>. Okay. I, I, you know, so that's why that alternative text that we talked about with seo, but these descriptions are such a big deal, right? It's because search engines need to know what it is. They can read text, but a photo, you know, they can't know that you're selling a pair of shoes or you're selling, you know, this item. You know, they need to, it needs to be described. Now, shopping ads can be really worthwhile. Okay. Shopping ad campaigns. Um, because when someone hits the shopping button on Google, they're planning on making a purchase. Right. They're not, you know, usually they're not just, Hmm, what can I learn today? 

Speaker 2 (22:23):

Right. They have a very, it's, they're very intent based is what we like to say. Um, and so they're reg they're, they're ready to make a purchase. So when your product shows up, you know, and you've got that good description and a beautiful picture, then, um, they're more likely to act on that. Yep. Okay. The last one, oh, average cost of shopping ads is around 66 cents per click. Okay. That is a great r o roi. Um, depending, you know, for your, your, your items there, <laugh>. Yeah. So, um, a great profit margin there. So the last one, um, is app campaigns. Okay. We touched on this just a little bit earlier. Um, so app campaigns promote your new app. Either you can either use 'em to promote your app to new users. Hey, download our app. Right. You know, we've all seen these. Um, you can increase sales within the app. 

Speaker 2 (23:15):

Okay. So these are obviously focused on mobile devices. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, again, that targeting of demographics. Um, you can promote your app on Google search on those display networks like the banner ads, YouTube, Google Play, all in one campaign. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So this is a huge audience that you can hit if this is, you know, if you want to promote that app. So, um, there are three type of ad, three main types of ad campaigns, installs, hey, install it, engagement, interact with it. Um, and then finally it's pre-registration. Like our app is coming right. Sign up now so you get it first. Okay. So cost for these, there's a lot of factors, so I couldn't really give you a good estimate on what they cost, but, um, um, but yeah, if an app is there, you can promote it. We've all seen 'em. I've clicked on 'em before. Oh, that would be a good one. And, and actually done it. So 

Speaker 1 (24:06):

Yeah. So there's so many different options for Google ads. How should people go about figuring out what type to use? 

Speaker 2 (24:15):

Okay, well I would think it, think about what, what is your goal? Okay. We talked about how some would be better, uh, for brand awareness. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, are you a new one? Are you trying to, uh, get, get, uh, uh, conversions and sales, make some money quickly, maybe shopping, maybe um, even search there with call to action. Do you have good media available as far as photograph and video content? All of these things are gonna help you narrow it down. Honestly, these are all gonna be great news. Oh yeah. I mean, we've seen great results on all of these almost mm-hmm. <affirmative> with our clients, you know, um, um, when it's targeted, right. When you know who you want to see it, it's set up correctly. And then, um, and we when utilize descriptions and keywords in there, then they can all be great for your business. Yeah. Um, we'd have to really know, sit down and talk and say, what are your goals? Um, what have you done before? What can we build off of to really help decide which one would be the best for 

Speaker 1 (25:18):

You? Right. Exactly. So that being said, that's a good segue because if all of this sounds just way too complicated to you and you really just don't wanna think about it anymore, you should give us a call, <laugh> because we can handle it for you. Um, we can come up with a strategy and help you figure out exactly what type of ads would be best to reach your audience. Um, and we would love to be able to partner with you in that way. So thank you so much, Beth, for being our guest today. Yep. 

Speaker 2 (25:45):

I hope you guys learn something. You gotta start somewhere if you're with this. So, I mean, do small campaign. Yeah. Test them out, see what's going on. Right, exactly. You know, see what works and 

Speaker 1 (25:55):

Doesn't, trial and error, you know? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, figure out what works. If it works, keep doing it. If it doesn't, try something new. Um, for our next episode, we are going to be mixing it up a little bit and instead of discussing one of the topics from our blog, we are going to be doing a q and a with one of our marketing strategists. Um, so you'll get to hear from our very own Becca Gordon and Brian will be back for that one. Um, those two have known each other for quite a while as well, and they are always super fun when you get them together. So definitely come back and give that one a listen next time. Um, we would love for you to subscribe to the podcast and give us a rating that really helps us get the word out. And we'd also love to connect with you on social media or on our website. Um, head over to dogwood media That's really the best way to connect with us. Um, all of our, our social is linked there and there's different contact pages you can get to, to get in contact with us or just give us a call if that's the easiest way to get in contact. We would love to talk to you and find out how we can partner together. Thanks again for tuning in to the Dogwood Media Solutions podcast and until next time, happy marketing.