The Dogwood Media Solutions Podcast

#008 - The Rise of Video Content

April 11, 2023 Dogwood Media Solutions, LLC Season 1 Episode 8

Have you noticed the ever-growing amount of video content that you see online? Once upon a time, video was primarily relegated to Youtube and to those with money to invest in videography equipment, but times have changed. It has never been easier to film and edit quality video content.

In this podcast, Lauren and Brian talk about how video has become so popular and several different ways that you can implement it in your marketing strategy!


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Speaker 1 (00:00):

Thanks for tuning in for the Dogwood Media Solutions podcast. I'm your host Brian Harris, and today I've got back Lauren Cumbie and we'll be talking about something really fun to talk about that's really relevant. It's the rise of video content. 

Hi, and welcome back to the Dogwood Media Solutions podcast. I'm your host Brian Harris, and we are here now for episode eight. And I have a guest I've had on here a couple times before. Uh, she's also serving as our other host who's here when I'm not here. That would be the one in Lingus. Lauren Cumbie. Hello. Lauren's our account manager here and helps take care of a lot of our, uh, clients. And so pretty much every client has probably talked to Lauren at some point. I would say over the past four years, 

Speaker 2 (00:45):

Probably pretty much everybody 

Speaker 1 (00:47):

At this point, by the time this airs, uh, you would've been here over four years at that point. 

Speaker 2 (00:52):

That is crazy. 

Speaker 1 (00:54):

Okay. I can't imagine it. I was actually talking outside just a little while ago about all the changes that happened in the past four years, your dogwood and just where we came from then to now and, uh, Slayton and said, you know, your kids, you know, four years from now they're gonna be graduating high school. And I was like, Slayton, shut your mouth. You know, <laugh>. Well, 

Speaker 2 (01:10):

Honestly, I mean, so your kids turned 14 in February? Yep. And when we had the open house, I was talking to Jennifer and she said something about, can you believe that believe they're gonna be 14? And I was like, no. Cuz they were 10 when I met them. Uhhuh <affirmative>. 

Speaker 1 (01:24):

It's happened so fast, man. They're gonna be driving next year. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they'll be 15 and then next thing you know, they're gonna be graduating high school. But anyway, it's four years. A lot of stuff can happen. Yeah. And so I I've been very grateful to have you as part of our team now for over four years. Thanks are Yeah. Things are sticking around. 

Speaker 2 (01:39):

Of course. A lot of things change and then some things don't, you know? Yeah. And sometimes you just get stuck with me for four years, 

Speaker 1 (01:45):

<laugh> hopefully many more. Hopefully many, many more <laugh> though we, we've got a lot of great plans happening with Dogwood and just some different things we'll get to talk about. And just some ways we see us growing in the future. And so, uh, it's nice to have, uh, you know, you stick around for those and several other people too. I hope they all stick around. Of course. 

Speaker 2 (02:02):

Everyone stick around. 

Speaker 1 (02:03):

Yeah. You know, me, I've, we've joked about this, you know, I just want everyone to stay forever. Right. But it doesn't actually ever work that way. But I understand like everyone, sometimes people want to go and I don't, I don't understand why they would leave me <laugh>. Uh, but today we're talking about the rise of video content, which is something that's very, uh, near and dear to my heart because, uh, last episode I was your guest and we talked about my back history and I came outta that radio and TV world. And so, like to see the rise of video content for me has been like this big, you know? And so I was really excited when I saw this blog post that, uh, that was written that talked about seeing this. Also, by the way, if you haven't read this blog post, you need to go to dogwood media and go to our blog section. Look for the rise of video content in there written by Lauren. And it has one of the best pictures we've ever posted of as a featured image. And, 

Speaker 2 (02:52):

And I took it, 

Speaker 1 (02:54):

Lauren actually took this post, uh, took, took the picture, and it's actually in the rumor we're in right now. It's a picture of Mark, uh, video editing. He has the big screen TV on, has a image on it that he's showing off. He's got both his screens in front of him with his timelines on it. It got the speakers all glowing. It's just, it's a perfect little picture. And that's what's fun about this room. It's, it's super dark, like it's a cool black room and you can really kind of get the idea of behind it from this picture. So, great job on the picture alarm. What does we have to add you to our photography team next? So 

Speaker 2 (03:23):

Yeah, sure. <laugh>, it's, it's not like Mark had to tell me what to do 12 times before we got that shot. 

Speaker 1 (03:28):

So you did tell me it took you like 10 minutes for that one shot 

Speaker 2 (03:31):

<laugh>. Yeah. You know, that's why Mark's the photography and videography guy and I am not, because he had a vision and he needed to explain to me how to get that vision. And it just took me a second. 

Speaker 1 (03:41):

He, he just wanted to be in the, so he wanted the vision included himself being in the picture, so. Right. But it, it looks great though, and I love, it's a great illustration of, uh, the video content and the work we do here at Dogwood also too. So, the first question I was gonna jump into with the blog post, you know, video has changed a lot over the years and you're short time when the surf Lauren, because you're so much younger than I am. How have you seen video change? 

Speaker 2 (04:01):

Well, I was actually kind of thinking about that when you said that, you know, you seeing it change has been different cuz you're on, you were in video and like TV and that kind of thing because for me, so I'm 26. Um, so I am neither a millennial nor a genie and neither one of them want me. But I have kind of lived in the world of, you know, social media and YouTube and all that kind of good stuff. I mean, YouTube launched, what, in like early two thousands. So I was, I was a kid. 

Speaker 1 (04:32):

I see, I wanna say I put my first videos on YouTube in like 2004, 2005, maybe even 2003. It may have been 20 years ago. 

Speaker 2 (04:39):

Yeah. So, so you were six when I did that. Right. So I, I mean I've really never known a time when video wasn't a big part of my life. But that being said, it still changed so much, especially in the last, I don't know, probably decade. I mean, from the time that I was probably about 14 or 15 is when I really started watching video content that wasn't, you know, TV shows mm-hmm. <affirmative> or things like that, that were more professionally done. I know that there were people posting on YouTube way before that, but I feel like it really got into the, the mainstream of just kind of, that's what kids did when they got home was get on YouTube and mm-hmm. <affirmative> watch their favorite creators. Um, but so to see it go from, you know, TV and movies and professional to rando kid in their room can make videos and post it on YouTube <laugh> all the way to the TikTok world that we live in now. Yeah. Where it's not even, you know, 10 minute long, 20 minute long videos. It's five second videos. Oh yeah. I mean, it's changed a lot. 

Speaker 1 (05:39):

And that, that's one of the things I was gonna talk about was how smartphones really changed the atmosphere of videos. Cause even before that, like the, those first videos I took, we had a little camcorder and I used a little mini DV tapes. I'd come back and I'd bring my mini DV tapes, I'd import 'em into the computer and then I'd do my editing. Now you just literally, you can edit it on your phone and then immediately post also too, this is again gonna date me. We had this big thing about turning your phone sideways mm-hmm. <affirmative> for the longest time. And now that's not so much a thing anymore because beforehand everything was being shot to be shown on tv and so you turned your phone sideways. Now everything's really more shot to be shown in your phone. And so you hold your phone vertical mm-hmm. 

Speaker 1 (06:19):

<affirmative>. And so you're shooting a lot more vertical video now. And so that's in my head, it's taken me a long time. I have to like think ahead, like what am I shooting this for? Right. So I was, I was at my daughter's, uh, cheer practice last night and I went to go turn it width ways and like, I'm not gonna watch this on tv, this is gonna be, I'm gonna share it with her. She might post on Instagram or something like that. And so I turned my phone vertical held at my hand and I just videoed her doing her little cheer exercises. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so, like, even me as old as I am, I'm having to like reprogram myself. Uh, me and Lauren have a running joke about how old I am. So 

Speaker 2 (06:49):

<laugh>, tell us about the good old days, Brian. 

Speaker 1 (06:51):

Yeah, as I said last time, leave my 

Speaker 2 (06:53):

Mom of it. Okay. Leave my mom out of it. Karen <laugh>, that's Karen. Her name is actually Karen. He's not just calling my mom a Karen. <laugh> 

Speaker 1 (07:03):


Speaker 2 (07:04):

But yeah, cell phones, I mean, cell phones have done a lot. I mean even so when I first got a phone, I had like one of those little red razor mm-hmm. <affirmative> flip phones and you weren't videoing anything on that. I mean, you could, but it would be like two pixels by two pixels. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and like you would have no idea what it was. Um, but then, you know, iPhones and I mean obviously Google has their phones and Samsung has their phones, but you know, iPhones, um, take and standard <laugh>. Right, right. Um, take incredibly good pictures and videos and we were even talking to a client, um, a couple of weeks ago cuz he wanted to start doing some little short vlogs for his social media. And, um, he was asking us, you know, like, what, what do I need to do? What do I need to buy? 

Speaker 2 (07:48):

And we were like, take your cell phone, set it up somewhere stable. If you want to buy a tripod, that would be cool and press record <laugh>. Yep. Like for what he's doing, that's really all he needed. And I mean even, even just the changes since Covid mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I mean pre covid, I feel like even even on the internet, we had this feeling that videos needed to be very well produced and they needed to have good lighting and be pretty and have transitions. And that's still true in some ways depending on where you're putting your video and what the purpose of it is. But post covid, I mean so many of us are, we're used to the zooms mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we're used to the cell phone, FaceTime kind of feel that you really don't have to do all of that anymore. And it looks good anyways because cell phones have come so far. 

Speaker 1 (08:39):

They have and they're so much clearer now mm-hmm. <affirmative> than what they ever were. I mean even I was thinking about just when of my kids were born. I keep going back to this, 14 years ago I had a Blackberry. Ooh. Yeah. And so I met, like, our first pictures of our kids were on Blackberry. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, there wasn't an option for video even on that. But like our picture quality was so not there. Right. And so then, you know, I got an iPhone like the next year and I remember, I think my son was maybe a year old and he picked up my iPhone and threw it across the room and broke it after two weeks. No, I cared that iPhone around for three years cracked <laugh> because I mean, they were so expensive and like, I was like, this is what it is, you know? Wow. I forget to wear this badge to shame. And 

Speaker 2 (09:20):

You still love 

Speaker 1 (09:20):

Him? I do. I do still love him. I was very sad that day <laugh>, but I got over it. So, but so, uh, let's go back into this. So what makes video content so popular? Why is, why are every, why does everyone want to go watch these videos on YouTube? Uh, why do they, I mean, why are we doing so much more video? I mean, like here at dawood our video business is is booming right now. Yeah. We're doing a lot of video work mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so we're doing the professional level work and going out and shoot film level videos. And so there's a big difference between those and the, the handheld. But what's making all this video so popular right now? 

Speaker 2 (09:49):

Yeah. So I mean, I think there's several reasons. I mean, from just a really simple like, like physical reason. Like the vast majority of us spend, um, spend our days on our computers, reading, text, writing, those kind of things. And so all day long we're straining our eyes and reading and writing. And so having video content is just a lot easier on us physically because we have been spending all day staring at a screen, ra reading tiny words and all that kind of good stuff. So from just a physical standpoint, I mean, video is just an easier form of media to consume. Um, and then of course you've got the aspect of, I mean, yeah, words are super great and I'm an English major and I love to write, but there's something special about being able to see what you're explaining or talking about visually. 

Speaker 2 (10:40):

I mean, mark talks about this a lot with the importance of B roll. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you can say something about how, you know, incredible the experience was to climb this mountain and it was so cool and you see the majesty of it all, but talking about that versus seeing it mm-hmm. <affirmative> is very different. And we even talk about that with our clients for their, you know, header videos and that kind of thing. Like showing off who they are. Um, we, even in writing there's this concept of, you know, don't say it like show it. And that's true in writing, but obviously even more true in video. So, um, I think all of that combined with the fact the video is just so much easier to come by now is really just making it explode. 

Speaker 1 (11:22):

That that's gonna kinda lead into my next two questions. You kind of touched on it very shortly. Video on social media. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I mean like, this is a big piece now. Like when we're working with a client now for social media pieces, we're looking at, especially even like this videos we're producing for them mm-hmm. <affirmative>, how can we repurpose them to show them in social media also? 

Speaker 2 (11:39):

Yeah, that's, I mean that's even something we were talking, you know, you were saying the holding your phone different ways for different, different things. Um, we were even talking about that with Mark the other day cuz we were wanting to post some things for our social media and we're, we were telling him like, Hey, we kind of need this in both ways. Yeah. <laugh> like, um, so yeah, I mean I, I think that social media content obviously is moving very heavily towards, uh, towards video. Um, Instagram has been incredibly open about that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they are, you know, telling everybody move, move towards stories, all that stuff. Yes. Move towards videos, move towards stories, anything like that. Um, which is funny cuz Instagram started out as the little square picture app. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, um, but I mean, everybody has seen how popular TikTok is. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I mean, they've seen the way that people will spend hours and hours. I mean, on average people are watching video content of some sort 19 hours per week. 

Speaker 1 (12:39):

That's crazy. 

Speaker 2 (12:40):

Like, that's almost an entire day. <laugh> Wow. Uh, insanity. I mean, and then on top of that, I mean, TikTok itself, people tend to watch about 89 minutes per day. Oh my words on TikTok. Um, usually in like multiple sessions. But the average session on TikTok is about 10 minutes long. And when you think about the fact that the majority of those videos are 30 seconds or less, I mean that is a ton of content. So 

Speaker 1 (13:07):

Watching 20 videos and they're doing that, picking up their phone nine times a day at 10 minutes a piece. Yeah. It's on average. So there's people doing it more than that of course. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, there's people doing it less, but still that's a lot of time. 

Speaker 2 (13:18):

Yeah. It, I mean it's a ton. And so if you're not taking advantage of that, you're losing out on a big market of people. And I mean, we say this all the time, meet the people where they are. And right now that's where they are. They're scrolling through reels, they're going through TikTok. I mean, I don't know how many of you are watching YouTube shorts, but, you know mm-hmm. <affirmative> YouTube's even trying to get into the game with the short video content 

Speaker 1 (13:42):

And they're, they're pumping it big time too right 

Speaker 2 (13:44):

Now. They are. And it's kind of annoying honestly. <laugh>, like the other day I was on YouTube and my husband and I like, we joke and say that we would get rid of all of our other streaming platforms, like television, everything. If we could just keep YouTube cuz we have YouTube red and pay the extra money to not get the ads and stuff <laugh> because we watch YouTube way more than anything else. Um, but the other day I was on YouTube looking for my typical content cuz I'm a nerd and I like reading content and that's what I wanna watch. And the first like five things on my list were all shorts, <laugh>. And I was like, where is my video content? This is not what I want. 

Speaker 1 (14:22):

Well, going back to, I had one other question that came outta your first phrase and then what you just said now is gonna make another question, but I'm gonna go back to the first one. Uh, we talked about video and websites mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, we talked about B-roll and you talked about just the having that included into the website, right? So how, how are you seeing this done? 

Speaker 2 (14:39):

So, I mean, there's a couple of different ways that, I mean, we've done it and also that I've seen done that I think are really successful. Um, obviously I mentioned video headers, so a lot of times if you go to somebody's website on typically the very top of the homepage, um, there'll be some sort of video that typically doesn't have sound and it is made up of B-roll or drone footage. Just kind of a bigger visual of what the business is or who they work with. Um, depends on what the, the business is as to what would make sense to be there, but that's one way that I've seen it done. Um, there's also introduction videos. So in place of where a lot of people used to do their, you know, crew page or their like crew, that's what we call ours, their staff page mm-hmm. 

Speaker 2 (15:26):

<affirmative>, um, or even like their about page, there's like little short videos explaining like, this is who we are and this is what we do. And those are kind of called introduction videos. So either introducing a person or introducing your business, introducing the owner, whatever it might be. And then similarly, there's explainer videos that people are starting to, um, incorporate into their blog strategy, which we've done this a little bit with one of our clients and not really for the same reason, but they were producing videos and we were just taking the transcript and turning it into a blog. Um, but people are now using this more as a strategy of creating a short explainer video that gives you the gist of the blog that people can easily re-share and tell people about whatever the content of the blog is, um, without having to read the whole thing. So you might have, you know, your featured image, but then you've got your little quick video that you can share out that gets the gist across without them reading the whole blog. But then of course you still have your whole blog content that if somebody really wants to dig into it, they can. So people are just finding more and more ways to include video on everything. 

Speaker 1 (16:36):

So you don't wanna throw out your entire marketing strategy just for video? Oh, no. Because you've, I mean you just named off probably 15 different avenues of how to do this. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> what's step one? 

Speaker 2 (16:46):

Oh goodness. 

Speaker 1 (16:47):

<laugh> <laugh>. 

Speaker 2 (16:48):

That's a big question, 

Speaker 1 (16:49):

Right? It is a huge question. 

Speaker 2 (16:50):

Yeah. I mean, so for the, the issue with questions like that is that it's really gonna be different for everybody. That's true. Um, and the thing that I am constantly telling my clients is don't get so wrapped up in the craze of something new and exciting without having a strategy and a purpose behind doing it. Preach. Right. Well, because, you know, think about Snapchat. Everybody and their brother was so excited for Snapchat when it came out and some people still use Snapchat, but lar largely we've kind of seen that it, it did its thing, it wrote its wave and now it's kind of gone. 

Speaker 1 (17:28):

Was it? My kids love Snapchat though, 

Speaker 2 (17:30):

And they're 14. 

Speaker 1 (17:31):

I know. They're not our target audience. 

Speaker 2 (17:33):


Speaker 1 (17:34):

So for anything we sell 

Speaker 2 (17:36):

<laugh>. Right, exactly. In general, the people that we're working with, like Snapchat's not really your thing. And the number of times I had to convince people do not go make a Snapchat account when you don't know how to use it. Like, that's silly. Same thing with TikTok or reels. Don't just start posting random stuff because you feel like you need to, you really need to come up with a strategy. Um, I think for a lot of people, the easiest first step as far as how to start incorporating things is to make those little self self done videos. Whether it's a vlog or whether it is a real, um, finding the things that are unique to your company. Um, I think one of the biggest pitfalls of this TikTok culture is that we're jumping on TikTok trends without it actually having anything to do with your business or what you're selling or what you're doing. Cuz you know, the little dance videos are cute and stuff, but like, what is, if I see my insurance guy like doing a TikTok dance, like what, what does that tell me about wedding? Can it 

Speaker 1 (18:36):

Me has too much time on his hand? 

Speaker 2 (18:38):


Speaker 1 (18:39):

<laugh>, that's what it tells me. 

Speaker 2 (18:41):

Right. You know, whereas I've seen people using TikTok in a very useful way, whether it's, you know, sharing kind of like we're doing in this podcast, like sharing quick tips or you know, a day in the life kind of situation. Like there are ways to use it that are beneficial to you and your content, but the biggest no-no is just don't jump on there with no purpose and no clue. Um, make sure that you sit down and come up with a strategy first. So I guess that's the answer to your question is where, where to start, start with a strategy, start 

Speaker 1 (19:11):

Over. Actually you set up a time, especially like, I mean we, we love to sit down there and talk to our clients and, and I mean literally right now there's things you've told our clients who are like, Hey, I wanna go jump in and do this. And we're like, slow down. Right? So that's, that literally is strategy is make a strategy. 

Speaker 2 (19:26):

Yeah. I mean even for us, I mean obviously we know that video is a big thing and we are trying to figure out a way to sustainably use that in our own content. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I mean without just, you know, throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. Like we're trying to take the time to do it well. Um, and that's part of the reason why like even though you hear us saying like, video is so great and we need to do this. If you go look at our social media right now, you probably are not gonna see a whole ton of video because we're not just throwing it out there and hoping it works. We're taking the time to come up with a strategy, figure out what's gonna go well figure out how we can add benefit and value to our clients. We don't just want to run out there and start doing stuff. 

Speaker 1 (20:07):

Well, even for us, even we're having a full-time videographer on our staff, we have to strategize like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, what's the best way of using this that's gonna make sense. Right. Because we, I mean I can't just have him come out here and make video all day long. Right. Well it's not profitable. It's not gonna generate his new business. 

Speaker 2 (20:23):

Exactly. And as a business you do, I mean obviously we're talking in in generalities, but I mean the majority of the people that we know listen to this are, you know, whether they're clients of ours or clients of other peoples, like you are a, a business. Um, and so obviously you have to think through the cost effectiveness of things. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I mean, maybe you really want to have a video that goes out every month, but you want a professional video. Well, you have to think about the cost of that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I mean video's not, not cheap <laugh>. 

Speaker 1 (20:52):

So there's a lot of time involved. It's not just shooting mm-hmm <affirmative>, there's a lot editing, there's logging color correction. Anytime you have audio or lighting, it's, it goes back to, for the different purposes of the video, going back to making a strategy. Sometimes you can get away with doing the stall, the tall vertical, something for social media. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> do that on yourself. Do it by yourself. You can have us help us and help us guide it. But for us, like we're willing to come in there and shoot the video, the storytelling videos, getting the, uh, the, the, the, the heart-wrenching story of why people should give to your, your, uh, organization or, or just different things like that that we, that it's different kinds of videos that are being used that need to be brought, brought in and used as part of the strategy. 

Speaker 2 (21:32):

Exactly. I mean, just like, you wouldn't put a video that you recorded on your cell phone in two minutes cuz you thought about it on your homepage. 

Speaker 1 (21:43):

No, no, no. That's not your homepage <laugh>. 

Speaker 2 (21:45):

Right, exactly. 

Speaker 1 (21:46):

That's not the one you're gonna show to all your, uh, organization's donors. 

Speaker 2 (21:49):

Exactly. Exactly. That probably needs a professional that needs somebody with the correct lighting and the correct equipment and all that kind of good stuff. Similarly, you're probably not gonna have our video guy come out and do you, you know, eight videos for your social media. We would do it if you want to. Yep. But you're probably not gonna do that when you look at the sticker on that. Right. 

Speaker 1 (22:15):

<laugh>, that's not the best use of your resources. Exactly. And we're ones that are making the money and we're telling you that's not the best use of your resources. 

Speaker 2 (22:21):

Right. Because at the end of the day, I mean we obviously we do what we do cuz we, we love it and we love the people that we're, we're working with. Um, you know, making money and getting paid and all that kind of good stuff is important and it's what allows us to do what we do. But we, we want to see you do the best that you can with the, you know, with the budget that you have. So we're not gonna tell you to go out and do crazy things for no reason. Well 

Speaker 1 (22:45):

I know on that note, we're gonna kind of have to end up wrapping this up. We've kind of over a little bit, which happens sometimes. That's okay. I think this has been a great conversation. I think we've given out a lot of great information to kind of get people thinking about videos and kind of another thing that's gonna tie into that is our episode, what we're talking about next week, and you'll be back hosting this one with, uh, with Kristen mm-hmm. <affirmative>, who's our pre director. And you guys will be talking about the power of great graphic design in your business. So again, another thing that requires strategy. Yep. Um, because there's a lot of things that you can do of design and how you can use it with your business. And so next, actually in two weeks episode, that'll be a great one for, to tune back into to make sure you do that. 

Speaker 1 (23:19):

And also if you do like what you're hearing here, you can head over to our Make sure you check out all of our other blog content that we've written as well. Um, also all of our podcast episodes are there. Podcast is up in the link. You can click on that and go back and listen to any other podcasts we produce. Make sure you subscribe to that way. You'll get automatic notifications on your preferred podcast platform as soon as we publish those podcasts on Tuesdays. Uh, also, uh, if you're looking to connect with us on our website, the best place to do that is right there on the website at the contact us button. Go directly there. All of our social accounts are linked there on the website too. So all that said, I wanna say thank you for tuning in to the Dogwood Media Solutions podcast. Lauren, thank you for joining me once again. Um, and until then, next time, as Lauren likes to say it, all the endings of her podcast, happy Marketing <laugh>, we need to come up with a catchphrase for you. Ah, yeah. Happy marketing 

Speaker 3 (24:07):



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